Task 1. Put the verbs into Past Simple. Make negative and interrogative sentences 1.Martin to music. (listen) Martin to music. to music? an interesting film. (watch) 2. We We 3.I I I 4.Henry Henry 5. Jane Jane Martin we Henry Jane 6.Little Tom Little Tom an interesting film. an interesting film? my mother in the kitchen. (help) my mother in the kitchen. my mother in the kitchen? in the park. (ski) in the park. in the park? in the yard. (skip) in the yard. in the yard? on the playground. (cry) on the playground. on the playground? little Tom cation​


Ответ дал: Аноним

Negative sentences

  • Martin didn't listen to music.
  • We didn't watch an interesting film.
  • I didn't help my mother in the kitchen.
  • Henry didn't ski in the park.
  • Jane didn't skip in the yard.
  • Little Tom didn't cry on the playground.

Interrogative sentences

  • Did Martin listen to music?
  • Did we watch an interesting film?
  • Did I help my mother in the kitchen?
  • Did Henry ski in the park?
  • Did Jane skip in the yard?
  • Did Little Tom cry on the playground?

abrorovaanisa77: thank you
Аноним: You're welcome
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