Make the sentences from experience 4 a negative and write them with contractions


Ответ дал: mankokarina12

Відповідь:  I have seen that movie before. -> I haven't seen that movie before.

She has visited Paris many times. -> She hasn't visited Paris many times.

They have always enjoyed hiking. -> They haven't always enjoyed hiking.

He has met her family. -> He hasn't met her family.

We have traveled to Asia. -> We haven't traveled to Asia.

You have tried that restaurant. -> You haven't tried that restaurant.

It has rained a lot this week. -> It hasn't rained a lot this week.

She has read that book twice. -> She hasn't read that book twice.

They have attended the conference. -> They haven't attended the conference.

He has cooked dinner for us. -> He hasn't cooked dinner for us.


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