6. Ask and answer questions with your partner about the last weekend. Use these verbs: study, walk, listen, visit, watch, help, wash, prepare. Example: A: Did you visit your friend last weekend? B: Yes, I did. I visited her and we watched a film together. ​



Ответ дал: dariarai



Sure, let's practice asking and answering questions about the last weekend using the provided verbs:

A: Did you study over the weekend?

B: No, I didn't. I took a break from studying.

A: Did you go for a walk last weekend?

B: Yes, I did. I went for a long walk in the park.

A: Did you listen to any music over the weekend?

B: Yes, I did. I listened to my favorite playlist for hours.

A: Did you visit any interesting places last weekend?

B: No, I didn't. I stayed home most of the time.

A: Did you watch any movies or TV shows?

B: Yes, I did. I watched a new movie that just came out.

A: Did you help anyone with anything last weekend?

B: Yes, I did. I helped my neighbor fix his car.

A: Did you wash your car or clean your house?

B: Yes, I did. I spent some time cleaning and organizing.

A: Did you prepare any special meals?

B: No, I didn't. I ordered takeout because I didn't feel like cooking.

AminaAllahverdova: спасибо
AminaAllahverdova: ❤️
nikastar95: Спасибо большое
Аноним: Клас
Аноним: Спс
generalovgeneral476: Спасибо брат
Ответ дал: eternal0

YOU: Did you study over the weekend?

Partner: No, I didn't study. I took a break from my studies. What about you?

Partner: Did you go for a walk on the weekend?

You: Yes, I did. I went for a long walk in the park. It was so refreshing. Did you walk anywhere interesting?

You: Did you listen to any live music over the weekend?

Partner: Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to listen to any live music. I was pretty busy. Did you?

Partner: Did you visit any friends or family?

You: Yes, I visited my grandparents. They live in the countryside, and it's always nice to spend time with them. Did you visit anyone special?

You: Did you watch any good movies or TV shows?

Partner: Yes, I watched a great documentary about wildlife conservation. It was really informative. How about you?

Partner: Did anyone help you with any tasks?

You: Yes, my friend helped me move some furniture. It was a big help. Did you receive any assistance?

You: Did you wash your car or do any cleaning?

Partner: I did some cleaning around the house, but I didn't get around to washing my car. Did you do any cleaning?

Partner: Did you prepare any special meals?

You: Yes, I prepared a delicious homemade lasagna for dinner. It turned out really well. Did you cook anything interesting?

AminaAllahverdova: спасибо ❤️
Аноним: Спс
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