250 Read and underline. Then listen and check. Let's all 1) do/play a jigsaw puzzle Or 2) go/do bowling with some friends! Let's 3) collect/go some video games Or 4) go do camping at weekends! Happy, happy, happy hobbies, Hobbies make you smile! It's great to have some hobbies, They're never out of style! Juggling is a super challenge And the same for 5) playing/doing chess. But the good thing about hobbies Is you always 6) try/have your best!​


Ответ дал: polypollianna


Let's all 1)play a jigsaw puzzle

Or 2) go bowling with some friends!

Let's 3) collect some video games

Or 4) go camping at weekends!

Happy, happy, happy hobbies,

Hobbies make you smile!

It's great to have some hobbies,

They're never out of style! Juggling is a super challenge

And the same for 5) playing chess.

But the good thing about hobbies

Is you always 6)try your best!​

Пояснення :

1.play a jigsaw puzzle - грати в пазли

2.go bowling - піти в боулінг

3.collect video games - колекціонувати відео ігри

4.go camping - піти в похід

5.play chess - грати в шахи

6.try your best - намагатися якнайкраще/робити все, що в твоїх силах.

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