es. "t 12 Use these verbs to complete the text: go (x2), surf, chat, get, have (x2), help. Saturdays Saturdays are great. I 1) breakfast. Then I 3) up at about 9:00 and 2) with the chores at home. We ... lunch, then I sometimes 5). shopping with my the Net or 1 7) 4) mum. In the evenings I usually 6). online. My friends and I sometimes 8) to the cinema. (Sandra, 14)​



Ответ дал: Sez1a

Saturdays are great. I have breakfast. Then I get up at about 9:00 and help with the chores at home. We have lunch, then I sometimes go shopping with my mum. In the evenings I usually surf online. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema.

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