2 * Copy and complete the table with information from Ex. 1. Suggestions We could reduce 1)........ we burn. We could encourage 4).......... wildlife charities. Expected Results We would 2) ......... climate change which 3) ........ animal and plant species. Wildlife charities ...... of many 5) ........ for for more animals and 6)........ ...... to care from harm.​


Ответ дал: ergalievdidar4


Certainly, here's the completed table with the missing information:

| Item | Missing Information |


| 1) | reduce the amount of fossil fuels we burn. |

| 2) | reduce the impact of climate change. |

| 3) | protect endangered animal and plant species. |

| 4) | support and donate to wildlife charities. |

| 5) | sources of funding for more animals. |

| 6) | work actively to care for animals and protect them from harm. |

sultanovatomiris31: Спокойной ночи не сорьтесь
islambaktov7: и тебе
bajbolataatul: так ответ можете сказать
islambaktov7: на что ответ
alrizakairatkyzy: ауауауау
kimikoharo18: 1) amount of fossil
2) slow down

3) is destroying the habitats

4) people to volunteer

5) would be able to

6) protect them
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