1. You will have two weeks holiday as a compensation for your hard work. 2. These are my brothers-in-law favorite games. 3. She hasn't been back to the doctors since last January. 4. The match's beginning was really exciting. 5. She stopped off at the butchers' for a piece of steak. 6. Children watched a lot of bird's nests on their nature walk. 7. They spent Easter at their aunt's Daisy. 8. The Italian's leader was elected as chairman of the European Parliament. 9. This pretty girl would love to be a film's star one day. 10. The table's leg is broken and needs to be replaced. 11. During Queen's Victoria rein the Royal Family was a model of family life. 12. The decision of the judge is final. CALHLIY​


Ответ дал: ddzhangutinov


Here are the corrected sentences:

1. You will have a two-week holiday as compensation for your hard work.

2. These are my brothers-in-law's favorite games.

3. She hasn't been to the doctor's since last January.

4. The beginning of the match was really exciting.

5. She stopped off at the butcher's for a piece of steak.

6. Children watched a lot of bird nests on their nature walk.

7. They spent Easter at their aunt Daisy's.

8. The leader of Italy was elected as the chairman of the European Parliament.

9. This pretty girl would love to be a film star one day.

10. The table's leg is broken and needs to be replaced.

11. During Queen Victoria's reign, the Royal Family was a model of family life.

12. The judge's decision is final.

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