A friend of yours is having problems with a classmate. Use phrases from the language box and the ideas below to act out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 1.

Problem: one of your classmates makes fun of you Possible solutions: tell your classmate how his/her behaviour is annoying; ask your teacher for help
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Ответ дал: d9302028

Ответ:You: Hey, I heard you've been having some trouble with one of our classmates.

Friend: Yeah, it's been really frustrating. They keep making fun of me in class.

You: That doesn't sound cool at all. Have you tried talking to them about how their behavior bothers you?

Friend: I haven't yet. I'm not sure how to bring it up.

You: Maybe you could just calmly explain that their teasing is hurtful and ask them to stop. Sometimes people don't realize the impact of their words.

Friend: You're right; I should give it a try. But what if that doesn't work?

You: If talking to them doesn't help, don't hesitate to reach out to our teacher. They can intervene and help resolve the situation. It's important that you feel comfortable and respected in class.


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