Choose the correct item. A: We'll have trouble to drive/driving through such heavy rain. B: Let's wait until it stops, then. A: The storm doesn't appear to have made/to be made much of an impact. B: Good. It must have missed the residential areas. A: The firefighters let us go/to go back to our home. B: Good. I hope it wasn't too damaged. A: Can you help/to help me move the garden furniture indoors? B: Sure. How about putting/to put it in the garage? A: Have you considered listening/to listen to the radio? B: Yes, but I seem to have been having/to be having trouble finding the right station. A: It's no use to try/trying to fix this bike. B: I'd better buy/to buy a new on​


Ответ дал: GreyBoar


Choose the correct item. A: We'll have trouble /driving through such heavy rain. B: Let's wait until it stops, then. A: The storm doesn't appear to have made/ much of an impact. B: Good. It must have missed the residential areas. A: The firefighters let us go/ back to our home. B: Good. I hope it wasn't too damaged. A: Can you help/ me move the garden furniture indoors? B: Sure. How about putting/ it in the garage? A: Have you considered listening/ to the radio? B: Yes, but I seem to have been having/ trouble finding the right station. A: It's no use /trying to fix this bike. B: I'd better buy/ a new on

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