Writing Task 3 Read the email from your English friend, Tom.
From: Tom To: In my class yesterday, we were talking about what we think we'll do in the future, what we might do- and what we really don't want to do! What about you? What do you think your future will be like?

Write an email to Tom and answer the questions. Write 55-65 words.​


Ответ дал: travagreen149


Hey Tom,

Thanks for asking about my future plans! I have a lot of interests, so it's hard to choose just one path. Right now, I'm considering studying business or maybe even becoming a computer programmer. However, I'm also passionate about art and design, so I might explore that field as well. It's all still a bit uncertain, but I'm excited to see where life takes me!

Take care,

[Your Name]

alaukasana: спасибо
alaukasana: это правильно ?
travagreen149: наверно
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