• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: abbasova99
  • Вопрос задан 2 месяца назад

Emma buys a house for £201 500 She sells the house for £213 590 Calculate the percentage profit Emma makes


Ответ дал: SO2SPS

The percentage profit Emma makes. if, Emma buys a house for £201 500, and She sells the house for £213 590 is 6%.

What is percentage?

As it is clear from the term per cent means measuring anything per hundred. For example, you get marks per 100 marks, so you get the percentage.


Emma buys a house for £201 500,

She sells the house for £213 590,

Calculate the profit as shown below,

Profit = Selling price of the house - Cost of house

Profit = 213 590 - 201 500

Profit = £12090

Calculate the percentage profit as shown below,

The percentage profit = Profit / Cost of house × 100

The percentage profit = 12090 / 201500 × 100

The percentage profit = 0.06 × 100

The percentage profit = 6%

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