Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. a) Sam (drink)..is drinking.. b) You (stand)............ c) Mike (stay).......….... d) You (sit).............. e) We (have)............... f) I can't talk now. I (wash).......... .....some milk. ........on my foot! .......at this hotel. ..in my place! ......a good time. .........my hair.​


Ответ дал: ortikovzavohir
Here are the sentences with the verbs in the present continuous tense:

a) Sam is drinking.
b) You are standing.
c) Mike is staying.
d) You are sitting.
e) We are having.
f) I can't talk now. I am washing some milk. It's on my foot! I'm staying at this hotel. You're in my place! We're having a good time. I'm washing my hair.
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