Я прошу помочь мне , я дам 30 балов ​



Ответ дал: k3k14ccq
1. There were too many questions to answer, so I only did three.
a) too

2. The coffee was too hot to drink, so I left it for a minute.
b) too hot

3. The room wasn't hot enough, so I turned the heating on.
a) hot enough

4. I didn't buy the jacket because it was too big.
b) too big

5. The shoes were too big to pick up, so I didn't buy them.
b) too big

6. It was heavy enough.
b) heavy enough

7. I didn't get it because it was too expensive.
a) too expensive

8. He left the job because he was making too little money.
a) too little money

9. I put a scarf on because it was cold enough.
a) cold enough
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