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Ответ дал: ifh0
Things we know about pandas:
1. Pandas live in bamboo forests in the mountains of central China.
2. They spend about 12 hours a day eating bamboo, but they also eat other plants and small animals.
3. Adult pandas can weigh between 75 and 135 kilograms, and baby pandas are very light when they are born (only about 85 grams).

Now, let's check the sentences:

1. The writer helped to look after giant pandas on her trip. (✅)
2. Pandas only eat bamboo. (❌) - They eat bamboo but also other foods like fruit and panda cakes.
3. Baby pandas are very light when they are born. (✅)

Now, let's make sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Progressive:

1. Ben is studying at the moment.
2. Julie doesn't know Mrs. Giles.
3. We work at my dad's shop these days.
4. Philip usually goes to the skatepark at the weekend.
5. Mum wants to go to the concert tonight.
6. Lucy and Tom are not going shopping tomorrow.
7. Mark rides his bike every day.
8. James doesn't like working on Saturdays.

Matching questions with answers:

1. What does your brother usually do in the evening? - He goes out with his friends. (b)
2. What's Mark doing at the moment? - He's having a shower. (e)
3. What are you doing this summer? - I'm going camping. (a)
4. What do you think of chess? - I think it's boring. (d)
5. How often do you play tennis? - Never. (c)
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