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Lesson 3 1 Complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. 1) Oleh doesn't read much now. He used to read a lot, but he prefers to watch films. 2) Ann a computer, but last year she sold it and bought a notebook. 3) Our family moved to the village last year. We in the city. 4) I don't eat sweets and cakes now, but I them when I was a child. 5) Vasyl very friendly, but he has changed and we aren't good friends any more. a shop near the park, but it closed a long time ago. 6) There 7) It only takes me about 30 minutes to get to school now that the new bus route is open. It more than two hours. 8) When you lived in Odesa, to the Opera House very often?​



Ответ дал: k3k14ccq

1) Oleh doesn't read much now. He used to read a lot, but he prefers to watch films.
2) Ann had a computer, but last year she sold it and bought a notebook.
3) Our family moved to the village last year. We used to live in the city.
4) I don't eat sweets and cakes now, but I used to eat them when I was a child.
5) Vasyl was very friendly, but he has changed and we aren't good friends anymore.
6) There used to be a shop near the park, but it closed a long time ago.
7) It only takes me about 30 minutes to get to school now that the new bus route is open. It used to take more than two hours.
8) When you lived in Odesa, did you used to go to the Opera House very often?
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