2. Complete the text by putting each of the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple.
A computer ... (1. to be) a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that ... (2. to operate) switches or ... (3. to magnetize) tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, ... (4. to be) capable of being in one or two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demagnetized. The machine ... (5. to be) capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols). The basic job of computers ... (6. to be) processing of information, which ... (7. to be) a series of operations that ... (8. to convert) data into useful information. Thus, a computer ... (9. to be) a device which ... (10. to accept) information in the form of instructions (a program) and characters (data), ... (11. to perform) mathematical and/or logical operations on the information and then ... (12. to supply) results of these operations.


Ответ дал: Maximaje


A computer **is** (1. to be) a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that **operates** (2. to operate) switches or **magnetizes** (3. to magnetize) tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, **are** (4. to be) capable of being in one or two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demagnetized. The machine **is** (5. to be) capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols). The basic job of computers **is** (6. to be) processing of information, which **is** (7. to be) a series of operations that **convert** (8. to convert) data into useful information. Thus, a computer **is** (9. to be) a device which **accepts** (10. to accept) information in the form of instructions (a program) and characters (data), **performs** (11. to perform) mathematical and/or logical operations on the information and then **supplies** (12. to supply) results of these operations.

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