D. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. A: How
B: Just a teaspoon.
a. many
sugar do you want in your coffee?
b. much c. little
d. few
2. We need to buy some pencils. There are only
a. little
b. a little
c. a few d. few
3. Can I borrow
a. some
— paper for my printer?
b. much c. little d. plenty
4. There's very than you think.
a. few
_ butter in the cake, so it's healthier
b. a few c. a little d. little
5. He's always got
a. a lot
b. lots of
work to do at the weekend.
c. lot
d. lots
6. You don't need to cook. There is
food left from
a. plenty of b. lots
c. a few
d. much
Даю 50балів


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge


1. A: How b. much  sugar do you want in your coffee?

B: Just a teaspoon.

2. We need to buy some pencils. There are only c. a few left.

3. Can I borrow a. some paper for my printer?

4. There's very d. little butter in the cake, so it's healthier than you think.

5. He's always got b. lots of work to do at the weekend.

6. You don't need to cook. There is a. plenty of food left from yesterday.

1. Сколько сахара ты хочешь в кофе?

Б: Всего лишь чайную ложку.

2. Нам нужно купить карандаши. Осталось только несколько.

3. Могу ли я одолжить немного бумаги для моего принтера?

4. В торте совсем немного масла, так что он полезнее, чем вы думаете.

5. У него всегда много работы на выходных.

6. Вам не нужно готовить. Со вчерашнего дня осталось много еды.

Разница в значении

a few = some, a small number

few = not many/almost none

a little = some, a small amount

little = not much/almost nothing

7wg7rxhrww: Дякую але я забула додати ше речення 7. Alice is lonely. She seems to have _ here. a very
b. too
_ few friends
c. not many d. only
8. Linda has got of us.
money with her, so I'll pay for both
a. a little
c. few
d. any
9. Don't worry. There isn't
a. some
b. few
change in our plans.
d. no
10.A: Do you enjoy going to concerts?
B: Yes, I like them
a. many
b. very
C. much
d. a lot
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