1.06 Complete the conversation with the correct form of be going to or will and the verb in brackets. Then listen and check. Dan: My brother .... (go) to university next year. Jane: 12....(not/go) to university until I'm much older. Dan: What 3 you.... (do) instead? **** Jane: 14.... (take) a year out. I want to travel around the world. .... Dan: That's a good idea! I'm sure you 5 (have) a great time. Jane: 16... (go) to the cinema later. Do you want to come? Dan: I can't. 17.... (study) all afternoon. I've got an exam on Monday. Jane: OK. Good luck! I'm sure you (pass). Dan: Thanks. ****​



Ответ дал: arturhavrylyshyn


1. going

2. 'm not going

3. do, did

4. taking

5. having

6. going

7. studying

8.'ll pass

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