написати по англійській мові лист про себе (можна писати неправдиве)​


Ответ дал: polixxwwlol
Hello! My name is (Твоє імʼя на англійській мові). I’m (твій вік) years old. I’m living in Ukraine, and I like my country so much! I have a big family. Mother, father, younger sister, grandma and older brother! My hobby is art. I really like drawing and I keen on to make beautiful pictures. In my free time I’m playing with my sister and help my mother to do her housework. I love my family! I have a lot of friends and I want to be an doctor at future. My favourite subjects are biology, chemistry and English. I love my life!!
See you, your (Твоє імʼя на англійській мові)
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