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p0l0a: 1. one of my friends: a person who is known and has a bond of mutual affection with another person

2. great, fantastic: excellent, of high quality, or enjoyable

3. people (informal): individuals, human beings, persons

4. companies, businesses: organizations or enterprises engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. Вот ответ


Ответ дал: olegg8422


Consulting a forum on the Internet for information about the BRIT School has its advantages and disadvantages:


1. **Diverse Perspectives:** Forums often have contributions from various people with different experiences and knowledge, providing a broad range of information and opinions.

2. **Real Experiences:** Users can share their real experiences, which can be valuable for someone seeking firsthand information.

3. **Quick Responses:** Forums can provide quick answers to specific questions, saving time compared to more extensive research.

4. **Informal Language:** Forums use informal language (as indicated by "3 people (informal)"), making information accessible and relatable.


1. **Accuracy:** Information on forums can be inaccurate or outdated, as it's not always verified.

2. **Bias:** Contributors may have biases or specific agendas that affect the information they provide.

3. **Limited Depth:** Forums typically offer brief responses, which may not provide in-depth information or explanations.

4. **Lack of Accountability:** Users can post anonymously, which may lead to unreliable information without accountability.

Matching the underlined words in the forum with the definitions:

- **3 people (informal):** This refers to the fact that forums are typically populated by regular people rather than experts or formal sources.

- **4 companies, businesses:** This likely indicates that someone mentioned companies or businesses in the forum, possibly related to the BRIT School.

- **one of my friends:** Someone in the forum might be sharing information about the BRIT School based on their friend's experience.

- **2 great, fantastic:** These words suggest positive opinions or reviews about the BRIT School.

p0l0a: И чё єто?
p0l0a: это фигня какая-то
p0l0a: 1. one of my friends: a person who is known and has a bond of mutual affection with another person

2. great, fantastic: excellent, of high quality, or enjoyable

3. people (informal): individuals, human beings, persons

4. companies, businesses: organizations or enterprises engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
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