Choose the correct option.
1 We usually study are usually studying
Maths on Mondays but today we
have/'re having a test.
2 Jenna's listening to some music
and/ but she's watching TV at the
same time! How?
3 I don't do/'m not doing my homework
at the moment because my computer
doesn't work/ isn't working.
4 Harry is waiting for Lisa outside school
and / but she doesn't want to see him.
Do you always have / Are you always
having a big breakfast before school?
No, I don't/'m not.
6 My sister usually wears / is usually
wearing jeans and a T-shirt and / but
today she wears / 's wearing a smart
skirt and jacket.


Ответ дал: madin1636

1. have

2. and

3. 'm not doing/ isn't working

4. byt/ Do you always have/ No I don't

6. usually wears/ but/ is wearing

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