3 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 How much potatoes have you got?
2 We've got lot of cheese.
3 We haven't got none coffee.
4 How many milk do you want in your tea?
5 We've got some bread, but we haven't got a lot rice.
6 Can I have a little of your crisps, please?
7 I don't think there's some orange juice left.
8 We've still got a little tomatoes in the fridge.


Ответ дал: nunny


1 How many potatoes have you got?

2 We've got a lot of cheese.

3 We haven't got any coffee.

4 How much milk do you want in your tea?

5 We've got some bread, but we haven't got much rice.

6 Can I have a few of your crisps, please?

7 I don't think there's any orange juice left.

8 We've still got a few tomatoes in the fridge.


1 Сколько у тебя картофелин?

2 У нас много сыра.

3 У нас совсем нет кофе.

4 Сколько молока вы хотите добавить в свой чай?

5 У нас есть немного хлеба, но у нас не так много риса.

6 Можно мне несколько ваших чипсов, пожалуйста?

7 Я не думаю, что там остался апельсиновый сок.

8 У нас в холодильнике еще осталось несколько помидоров.

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