b) Work in pairs. Guess what these words mean. Look them up in the descriptions of teenage groups and answer the questions. (an outfit, a hang-out, to keep up with, a teacher's pet, a gadget, pastime, vandalism, to be fond of) 1 What school subjects are you fond of? 2 Do you know anyone who is a teacher's pet? Do you keep up with the latest fashion trends? 4 What is your favourite hang-out? 3 5 Can you describe your favourite outfit? 6 Can you think of any examples of vandalism in your school? 7 What is your favourite pastime? 8 Which gadget couldn't you live without? дам 30 балав срочно​


Ответ дал: mauserjom

an outfit: A set of clothes that someone is wearing, especially when they are considered together as a choice or style.

a hang-out: A place where people, often friends, regularly spend time together for socializing or leisure activities.

to keep up with: To stay informed about or be aware of the latest developments or trends in something.

a teacher's pet: A student who is perceived to be the teacher's favorite and may receive special treatment.

a gadget: A small electronic device or tool that has a specific function and is often considered clever or novel.

pastime: An activity or hobby that one enjoys doing during their leisure time.

vandalism: The act of deliberately damaging or defacing public or private property without permission.

to be fond of: To have a liking or affection for something; to enjoy or be interested in.

Now, let's answer your questions:

I'm fond of science subjects like biology and physics.

Yes, I know someone in my class who is often considered a teacher's pet because they always volunteer to help and have a close relationship with the teacher.

I try to keep up with the latest fashion trends, but I don't always follow them religiously.

My favorite hang-out is a local cafe where my friends and I often meet after school.

My favorite outfit is a comfortable pair of jeans, a graphic T-shirt, and a pair of sneakers.

Fortunately, I haven't witnessed any vandalism at my school.

My favorite pastime is playing the guitar and singing.

I couldn't live without my smartphone; it's such a versatile gadget that I use for various tasks.

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