Grammar: Simple past or past progressive? Choose the correct form of the verb - simple past or past progressive. Example: Gillian XXX (not want) to hug her mother while Mrs Collins XXX (talk) about Gwynn. → Gillian didn't want to hug her mother while Mrs Collins was talking about Gwynn. 1 While her mother XXX (wait for) Gwynn at the station, Gillian XXX (decide) to leave home. 2 When her mother XXX (phone) her for the first time, Gillian XX (pack) her bag. 3 Gillian XXX (cry) when she XXX (get) on the bus to go to her father's house 4 When Gillian XXX (arrive) at her father's house, he XXX (work). 5 Her mum XXX (wait) for her when Gillian XXX (arrive) home with her dad. ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО !!!! НАЙДИТЕСЬ ЛЮДИ КОТОРЫЕ ЗНАЮТ АНГЛ​


Ответ дал: zamriyr99

Відповідь:Here are the correct forms of the verbs in the sentences:

While her mother was waiting for Gwynn at the station, Gillian decided to leave home.

When her mother phoned her for the first time, Gillian was packing her bag.

Gillian cried when she got on the bus to go to her father's house.

When Gillian arrived at her father's house, he was working.

Her mum was waiting for her when Gillian arrived home with her dad.

okunevicirina5: спасибо можешь помочь ещё с кое чем?)
zamriyr99: да
okunevicirina5: у тебя есть тг, если да можешь пожалуйста дать ник
okunevicirina5: есть тг напиши мне @Cyeta_haha
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