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№ 2-3



Ответ дал: vintiti
1. I usually do my homework at 5.00, but I am doing it now.
2. We usually play tennis, but we are playing badminton today.
3. I don't usually eat spaghetti, but I'm having some now.
4. Today I leave the house at the moment at 8.30.
5. I always clean my teeth at 8.00, but I cleaned them at 7.00 today.
6. I go to bed at 9.00 every day, but I'm going to bed at 9.30 today.
7. They usually play tennis, but they are playing badminton.
8. I usually drink orange juice in the morning, but today I'm drinking coffee.

3. Complete the conversation with the words from the box.
Jeff: Hi, Beatriz. What are you doing at the sports club today?
Beatriz: I'm meeting my friends. They often go to baseball practice on Tuesdays. They're getting dressed and they're putting on their shoes at the moment.
Jeff: Great. I play on the baseball team. How often do you play?
Beatriz: We play a game every Saturday. Today we're playing a match!
Jeff: Yes! My friends are also on the team. Look! They're coming now. They're wearing the new baseball uniform!
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