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скласти діалог з конституцією must/mustn't. 7-8 реплік​


Ответ дал: romashovakatia290918



Citizen: "Can the government restrict our freedom of speech?"

Constitution: "The government must not infringe upon the freedom of speech, as stated in the Constitution."

Citizen: "What about our right to assemble peacefully?"

Constitution: "You must be allowed to peacefully assemble, it's a fundamental right protected by the Constitution."

Citizen: "Can I practice any religion I choose?"

Constitution: "Yes, you must have the freedom to practice any religion of your choice, as long as it doesn't harm others or violate the law."

Citizen: "But can the government spy on our private communications?"

Constitution: "No, the government must not conduct unwarranted surveillance on your private communications without just cause and proper legal procedures."

Citizen: "What if I want to run for public office?"

Constitution: "You must have the right to run for public office if you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Constitution."

Citizen: "Can the government take my property without compensation?"

Constitution: "No, the government must not take your property without just compensation, as explicitly stated in the Constitution."

Citizen: "But can my rights be restricted in certain situations?"

Constitution: "Yes, your rights can be restricted in certain circumstances, but only if it's necessary to protect public safety and the rights and freedoms of others, as outlined in the Constitution."

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