допоможіть будь ласкааа



Ответ дал: kalinina66100


1. Summer is the best season

2. It gets better every year

3. Scientists used a better method

4. He is the oldest of all the students

5. his story more interesting than yours

6. This singer is the best in a group

7. It is the richest country in the world

8. Our company hired a junior employee

9. this student is more irresponsible in class

10. Summer is the hottest time of the year

11. My friend's dog is smarter than mine

12. We passed through the narrowest streets of the city

13. Today we watched probably the worst movie of the year

14. Which planet is bigger: Mars or Earth

15. Their house is more comfortable than mine

16. Take this suitcase. It is lighter

17. Mark chose the most interesting profession

18. What kind of animal is the biggest one

19. This saleswoman is nicer than that one

20. They look happier than yesterday

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