4 Look at Benefits of doing sport. In pairs, match the benefits with the sports in the box. Discuss your reasons for choosing the sports. Which benefits do you think are the most and least important? basketball tennis swimming yoga judo running boxing Benefits of doing sport 1 It increases endorphins. This change in your body's chemistry makes you happier. 2 It increases your stamina. 3 It helps you understand the importance of team work. 4 It makes you more self-reliant. 5 It improves your concentration, 6 It improves your self-esteem. 7 It reduces your blood pressure. ta​


Ответ дал: arnyr0109


they are all important because everyone need to do sports every day. It always reduce your blood pressure. It makes you more self-reliant, and also it can help you with your teamwork and friends.

Basketball can help you to understand importance of teamwork, tennis, improve your concentration

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