4 Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the word given in brackets. 1. It was so ★★★ (relax) to be among old friends. 2. The ★★★ (lecture) spoke very clearly and we could hear every word. 3. I had a really ✰✰✰(scare) dream last night. 4. He is famous all over the world as a great ★★★ (adventure). 5. The second half of the book is more ★★★ (excite). 6. They never fly by planes because they have a phobia of ★★★ (high). 7. The family decided to hire a ★★★ (photograph) for the party. he enjoys cooking and wants to become a ★★★ (profession) cook. ​



Ответ дал: kpopenayisii00

1)it was so relaxed to be among old friends

2)The lecturer spoke very clearly and we could hear every word

3)I had a really scary dream last night

4)He is famous all over the world as a great adventurer

5)The second half of the book is more exciting

6)They never fly by planes because they have a phobia of height

7)The family decided to hire a photographer for the party

8)She enjoys cooking and wants to become a professional cook


nuraycetindere13: какой милый
kpopenayisii00: это же Сону жаным
nuraycetindere13: он мой биас, кстати, спасибо за решение упражнения!
kpopenayisii00: даа мой тоже))
kpopenayisii00: да незачто обращайся жаным♡
rasulsultanzade15: спасибо большое очень-очень помог-(ла)
djalilovaleyla890: фанатки к поп, я тоже
djalilovaleyla890: :)
Aminuska000: Спасибо
kpopenayisii00: опа еще один фанаттт @djalilovaleyla890.
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