A: B: Yes, she 4 your mum work every day? She's a teacher.
A: 5 she teach at your school?
B: No, she I'd hate that!
A: 7 does she teach?
B: She teaches at Garfield High School.
A: Which school 8 you go to?
B: I go to Minchester Academy. A:9 you like it there?
B: Yes, 10 It's a great school.
A: 11 do you do in your free time?
B: I play football and I listen to music. A: 12 often do you play football?
B: About 13 or twice a week.


Ответ дал: konovalcukelizaveta6


It seems like you're having a conversation about daily routines, schools, and hobbies! Let's go through it step by step:

A: Does she work every day? She's a teacher.

B: Yes, she works every day. She's a teacher.

A: Does she teach at your school?

B: No, she doesn't. I'd hate that!

A: Where does she teach?

B: She teaches at Garfield High School.

A: Which school do you go to?

B: I go to Minchester Academy.

A: Do you like it there?

B: Yes, I do. It's a great school.

A: What do you do in your free time?

B: I play football and listen to music.

A: How often do you play football?

B: I play football about 1 or 2 times a week.

It sounds like you have a nice routine and enjoy your hobbies! Playing football and listening to music are great ways to spend your free time. Keep up the good work at Minchester Academy! If you have any more questions or topics to discuss, feel free to let me know.

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