3 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases (A-H). One phrase is extra. A W-1-double L-S. B London, England. C I'd like to join the tennis club. D Mia. Mia Wills. E It's 585-8866. F I'm 17. G 11 Pine Road. H It's ZKS 855. Susan: Hi, How can I help you? Mia: 1) Susan: Sure. What is your name? Mia: 2) Susan: Right. How do you spell your last name? Mia: 3) Susan: How old are you? ...... w... Mia: 4) Susan: Where are you from? Mia: 5) Susan: OK. What is your address? Mia: 6) Susan: What's your phone number? Mia: 7) ..... www Susan: Thanks. Here's your card. Mia: Thank you very much.
помогите а то я сейчас просто здохну даю 50 баллов ​


Ответ дал: mirshodik12


Susan: Hi, How can I help you?

Mia: C) I'd like to join the tennis club.

Susan: Sure. What is your name?

Mia: D) Mia. Mia Wills.

Susan: Right. How do you spell your last name?

Mia: H) It's ZKS 855.

Susan: How old are you? ..... G) 17.

Mia: Where are you from? B) London, England.

Susan: OK. What is your address? G) 11 Pine Road.

Mia: What's your phone number? E) It's 585-8866.

Susan: Thanks. Here's your card.

Mia: Thank you very much.

You're welcome mate:)

mirshodik12: You're welcome, mate! Keep it up!
Аноним: thank you so much
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