помогите пожалуйста!! с 1 и 2 заданием
даю 50баллов!!



Ответ дал: dianaogay


  1. I watched TV yesterday
  2. He will watch TV tomorrow
  3. He watches TV every day
  4. We will go to Black Sea next year
  5. We go to our granny to the village every Summer
  6. We went to the Crimea last year
  7. Do you like porridge?
  8. When he was a little , he liked reading books
  9. Will you go to school tomorrow?
  10. Were you in Moscow?
  11. Will they be at home tomorrow?
  12. Do you visit your grandparents every Summer?
  13. I didn’t phone my friend yesterday
  14. They don’t go to the museums or galleries
  15. He won’t drink a coffee
  16. He didn’t buy bread yesterday
  17. You won’t write a letter tomorrow because you will be busy all day
  18. We don’t often read books

  1. Goes
  2. Went
  3. Will go
  4. Doesn’t go
  5. Didn’t go
  6. Won’t go
  7. Do you like
  8. Did they skate
  9. Will she ski
  10. Bought
  11. Buy
  12. Will buy
  13. Read
  14. Won’t read
  15. Reads
  16. Didn’t drink
  17. Drink
  18. Will fly


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