Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в present simple, presen continuous, past simple, past continuous. 1.they (listen) to the music when phone (ring). 2. i (wait) for my train at the moment. 3. she (not drink) coffee at all. 4. they (write) me a letter a month ago. 5. we (do) our homework because we need to do this until pm. 6. mom (cook) pancakes yesterday. 7. he never (swim) in the pool. 8. i (clean) my house all evening yesterday. 9. she (paint) walls in her room tomorrow. 10. i (not watch) this movie last weekend.


Ответ дал: drewdober


1. listen - were listening, rang - was ringing

2. wait - am waiting

3. do not drink

4. write - wrote

5. do - are doing

6. cook - cooked

7. swim - swims

8. clean - cleaned

9. paint - is painting

10. not watch

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