плиз помогите с английским, там только слова вставить, легко довольно. я просто не успеваю. 50 баллов отдаю



Ответ дал: rinaca9215

1) If I meet him, I'll give him back his book.

2) **Unless** you exercise regularly, you won't be able to keep fit.

3) If you exercise regularly, you'll keep fit.

4) You will feel cold unless you wear a warm jacket.

5) You will feel cold if you don't put on a warm jacket.

6) Let's go for a walk, **unless** you are too tired.

7) I won't do it **unless** you agree to help me; I'm not doing it alone.

8) We'll be in trouble **unless** he helps us.

9) Hurry up! **Unless** you start now, you will not get there in time.

10) We'll arrive on time **if** we hurry.

11) I'll be back home tomorrow, **unless** there is a flight delay.

12) **Unless** you stop making that noise, I'll call the police.

13) **Unless** you're late, I'll leave without you. **If** it's an emergency, call me.

14) Don't call me **unless** it's an emergency.

15) **If** you say that again, I'll get furious.

16) You will not remember new words **unless** you use them many times.

17) Let's stay at home if you are so tired.

18) Let's go for a walk, unless you're tired and would like to stay in.

19) I'll order beefstakes for us, unless you're a vegetarian.


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