nguage focus Choose the correct words. 1 Does your family recycle much / many glass bottles? 2 Do you eat too much / too many chocolate bars? 3 How much / many hours do you study every day? 4 We throw away a lot of / many rubbish. 5 I haven't got any / some toothpaste left. 6 There isn't enough / many fuel to heat the house. 7 How much / many kilometres do you walk each day? 8 late too much / too many sweets and now I feel sick. 9 He isn't fast enough / too fast to win the race. O Do we protect animals too / enough? w Unit 1​


Ответ дал: rosinkazh

1 Does your family recycle many glass


Перевод:Твоя семья повторно использует много стеклянных бутылок?

2 Do you eat too many chocolate bars?

Перевод:Ты ешь чересчур много плиток шоколада?

3 How many hours do you study every day?

Перевод:Сколько часов ты занимаешься учёбой каждый день?

4 We throw away a lot of rubbish.

Перевод:Мы выбрасываем много мусора.

5 I haven't got any toothpaste left.

Перевод:У меня не осталось зубной пасты.

6 There isn't enough fuel to heat the house.

Перевод:Недостаточно топлива, чтобы нагреть дом.

7 How many kilometres do you walk each day?

Перевод:Сколько километров ты проходишь каждый день?

8 Late many sweets and now I feel sick.

Перевод:я съел много сладостей и теперь я болею

9 He isn't fast enough to win the race.

Перевод:он не достаточно быстрый чтобы выиграть

10 Do we protect animals enough?

Перевод:достаточно ли мы защищаем животных?

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