Срочно,)треба скласти текст(не дуже такий великий)про пасху,як ми її святкуємо там і тд..
на англійській мові,щоб можна було його розказати,але щоб слова і речення там не були такі тяжкі і дуже великі, треба просто простий невеликий текст,ну і не дуже такий маленький)),допоможіть будь ласка)<>​


Ответ дал: kseniiaiso
Easter is a special holiday celebrated by Christians around the world. It's a really exiting time. People often attend church services and exchange Easter eggs, which are usually colorful and filled with sweets. Families come together for festive meals, and children enjoy Easter egg hunts. It's a time of joy, renewal, and hope. Many also decorate their homes with beautiful flowers like lilies and tulips, symbolizing new life, and the Easter Bunny is a beloved character who brings treats to children. So Easter is a great holiday!
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