1. She hasn't got many 2. She has 3. She 4. She 5. She 6. She 7. She lots of, as in the 8. She eggs. cheese. yoghurt. potatoes. carrots. strawberries. tomatoes. milk. Даю 50 балов!!! ​


Ответ дал: roman5271

Відповідь:It seems like you've provided a list of incomplete sentences or sentence fragments. If you'd like assistance with completing or expanding upon these sentences, please provide more context or specific information, and I'd be happy to help you create meaningful sentences.


Ответ дал: mzvdqw
1. She hasn't got many eggs.
2. She has cheese.
3. She likes yoghurt.
4. She grows potatoes.
5. She harvests carrots.
6. She picks strawberries.
7. She grows tomatoes.
8. She drinks milk.
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