6 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Should I take a gap year?

I'll have to make an important decision___ the academic year ends. My parents want me to continue my studies at universit but I'd rather do something more adventurous. I like the idea ___a gap year. I want to study Spanish in the future, but I'd like to practise the language first, so I'm thinking of going to South America and working with children ___ can't read or write. I'm tired of a rigid timetable and all the schoolwork. I fee that a gap year___ me some freedom. My parents know that most of my classmates are going to go to university when the ___school. If they accept my decision, I'll go abroad for ten months. Could you tell me___ to convince them?

C unless

C will give

I should do


C where

C go

C what

B before

B which

B gives

B leave

B what should

B on

I do

1 A while

2 A of

3 A who

4 A give

5 A take off

6 A what can

I do


Ответ дал: anisaxodjimatova

1) before

2) of

3) who

4) will give

5) leave

6) what can i do

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