break do forget live tese not get rid of read see not try Ali was upset because he had lost that old picture of his grandfather.
1 We recognized the woman in the photo because next door to us. she
2 We decided not to buy that book for Dad. We thought he it before.
3 I was happy to find my old action figures. I was pleased that I them.
4 After we left the house, I realized that I my key!
5 Tereza looked bored in the cinema.. the film before? she
6 My grandparents liked the new restaurant. They Indian food before. 7 Meryem couldn't play basketball with us because she her arm.
8 The teacher was very angry with that boy. What he wrong?

нодо составить какие то слова, но у меня их нет, помоги пожалуйста. дам 100 пунктав​


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