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Ответ дал: Denchik0UA

Sure, here's a description of a character's appearance in English:

Character Name: John

John is a tall and athletic young man in his late twenties. He stands at around 6 feet (183 centimeters) with a strong, well-built physique. His broad shoulders give him a commanding presence in any room. He has short, dark brown hair that's usually neatly styled. His deep-set, hazel eyes add an air of mystery to his overall look, and they are often described as captivating.

John's face is chiseled with a strong jawline and a few days' worth of stubble. His nose is straight, and he has a faint scar on his left cheek, a testament to some past adventure. His lips are full and often form a subtle, confident smile.

He usually dresses casually but with a sense of style, favoring jeans and well-fitted T-shirts. On special occasions, he cleans up nicely in a tailored suit, which accentuates his tall, lean frame. John's overall appearance exudes an effortless charm that draws people towards him.

In terms of accessories, he often wears a silver wristwatch on his left hand and a simple leather bracelet. His fashion choices reflect his personality – laid-back, yet refined.

This description provides an overview of John's physical appearance, highlighting key features and elements of his style.

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