Use of English Text completion Read the text. Fill in each gap (1-3) with th 2 correct word (A, B or C). From: Sharon To: Libby Subject: Holiday! Hi Libby! Greetings fron Salou, Spain. It's 1)... a beautiful place. Right now, I'm sunbathing by the hotel pool. It's fantastic! My parents are out shopping at the market. They're buying gifts for 2) friends back home. We're all having the best time! How are you 3) ... Paris? Speak soon, Sharon 1 A so 2 A them 3 A enjoy B such B their B enjoys Reading C very C they C enjoying Read the text with appropri sentence is ex WAN OF TH Most people trave world has to offe- have to choose. of the world's mc Window of the W 2 There's even the pyram the world in a s As well as the fun activities f climbing area 3 Ther beautiful firev A visit to Wi with half-pric​



Ответ дал: mahavi0103

1) such
2) their

3) enjoying

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