ТЕРМІНОВО! З’єднайте слова в лівій колонці з відповідними синонімами в правій. Фото додала.



Ответ дал: monetochkamashka
Here are the matches for the words in the left column with their corresponding synonyms in the right column:

Goods - Freight
To be over - To come to an end
Means of transport - Vehicle
Fast - Speed
To resemble - To be like
High pull - To draw
To operate - To run
To propose - To offer
To think - To consider
Travel - Journey
To construct - To build
Due to - Thanks to
To invent - To develop
Contest - Competition
To build - To construct
Thanks to - Due to
To consider - To think
Journey - Travel
Reliable - Safe
Competition - Contest
To develop - To operate
To offer - To propose
Vehicle - Means of transport
To be like - To resemble

These are the matches between the words and their synonyms.
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