6 Work in groups. Share your ideas on the following items. Use the clues below.

• What qualities do you appreciate in your friends?

• What makes someone a special or best friend?

I appreciate friends who are (honest / trustworthy / understanding/...). Friends should also (be willing to help you / tell you if you're doing something wrong/support you even if you've made a mistake/...). A special friend shows (great loyalty/much patience / unconditional love/...).



Ответ дал: justliza7777


In friendship with a person, trust and honesty towards each other always come first. The support you can show each other in difficult times is also very important. A true friend will always understand and support you, even if you make some mistake. I think that it is very important to have such a person nearby, and to try to be like that for someone.


“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” — Jim Morrison :)

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