1 Complete the texts with the words in the box. attic balcony cottage country block floor lift terraced 24 1 This home is a 'terraced house in Green Street. It has two bedrooms on the first 2 and two more bedrooms in the 3 Come and see this home in a 4 of flats. There is a fantastic view from the 5 The building has a 6 If you like living in the 7 , you must come and see this beautiful 8 !​



Ответ дал: Roksann


This home is a 1) terraced house in Green Street. It has two bedrooms on the first 2) floor and two more bedrooms in the 3) attic.

Come and see this home in a 4) block of flats. There is a fantastic view from the 5) balcony. The building has a 6) lift.

If you like living in the 7) country, you must come and see this beautiful 8) cottage!

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