Complete the sentences with in, at, or to.

1 I live ____a small flat in the city centre.
2 She usually goes_the gym after work.
3 Do you have a TV your bedroom?
4 I always have lunch___home
5 We often go__the cinema on Friday evenings.
6 Let's play football__the park.
7 The children aren't__school today. It's a holiday.
a restaurant.
8 I usually go__work by train.
9 On Saturdays, we sometimes have dinner___a restaurant.
10 My wife isn't here at the moment. She's___work.


Ответ дал: vkalinina493

1. in

2. to

3. in

4. at

5. to

6. in

7. at

8. to

9. in

10. at

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