помогите пожалуйста нужно поставить в нужной форме. Urkuya Salieva (1) was born (be born) in 1910 in a village in the Nookat region. Her father (2) (be) an ordinary farmer and he (3) (educate) his daughter in the century-old traditions and customs. From an early age, Urkuya (4) (demonstrate) leadership qualities. By the age of eighteen, she (5) (already/become) a secretary of the Komsomol, which was a political youth organization in the Soviet Union. At that time, women (6) (not/have) any rights; however, Urkuya (prove) that women should have a say. She (fight) for freedom and (9) (believe) in a (8) better tomorrow for all the working people of Kyrgyzstan. In 1928, Urkuya's fellow villagers (10) (elect) her as chairperson of the collective farm Kyzyl-Asker that she (11) (organize). This was incredible, because a woman (12) (never/be) the head of a collective farm before! Between 1928 and 1934, Urkuya (13) and the government. She (14) who (15) (work) for the Communist party (respect) by people. (call) her "aksakal woman". Unfortunately, Urkuya's ARCUS dream of making ordinary people happy (not/come true). She and her by Basmachi fighters. PUBLISHING (kill) in 1934 Nowadays, Urkya Salieva is a symbol of the movement for women's rights. Because of her contributions, the women's march for equality and solidarity ends every year near the monument in Fighters of the Revolution Square. It is also a place for remembering tragedies in which women died or suffered.​


Ответ дал: bermuhanovaarajlym


Это бубет 1428 шшокерстантм и с Казахстаном и там будет украина это еще не все

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