Fill in: of, than, in or the.

1 Olive runs the fastest in her family. 2 The science experiment went worse Charlie expected.

3 Guljan does her work the quickest ....... the class.
4 Ned clapped the loudest out the whole audience at the show.

5 It was harder to live in the 15th century


6 Karl works the hardest........ any of the students.

7 Ruby presented the science project because she speaks most clearly in the group.

8 Alihan scored the most goals the team for the match.​



Ответ дал: nonenameplayerselect

1. Olive runs the fastest in her family.

2. The science experiment went worse than Charlie expected.

3. Guljan does her work the quickest in the class.

4. Ned clapped the loudest out of the whole audience at the show.

5. It was harder to live in the 15th century than nowadays.

6. Karl works the hardest of any of the students.

7. Ruby presented the science project because she speaks most clearly in the group.

8. Alihan scored the most goals for the team during the match.

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