1. Answer to the questions and try to solve ecological problems

a.How do you understand the word "ecology"?

b. Why should we study ecology? c. Do you love nature? Why?

dIs it important to keep forests, the land, rivers and seas clean? Why?

e. Why is it necessary to take care of everything that nature gives us? fWhat would you do for ecology at your school?


Ответ дал: temirbekovzasulan57


a) By the word "ecology" i mean living organisms, mountains, forests, etc.

b) We need to study ecology in order to continue the existence of humanity, because ecology and humans are very closely connected.

c)Yes, I do. We owe nature a lot, because it gave us life. Nature can exist without humanity, but humanity can never exist without nature.

d)It's very improtant to keep forests, the land, rivers and seas clean. If you don't keep natura clean, then animals, fish, birds and insects will die out. That means we won't able to survive without nature.

e)If we dont take care of what nature has given us we will simply disappear.

f)I would send a letter to the people at the top or organize a peaceful rally.


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