4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first sentence. Use no more than three words.
1 We won't go climbing unless it's sunny.
We will go climbing if it's sunny.
2 I'll pay for lunch if it isn't too expensive.
I'll pay for lunch
3 Our holiday won't be fun if the weather isn't good.
Our holiday will be fun
is good.
4 You won't become a great footballer unless you
practise every day.
is too expensive.
You won't become a great footballer if
practise every day.
5 We'll be there at three o'clock if our train is on time.
We'll be there at three o'clock
is late.
6 I'll play tennis on Saturday unless I'm still ill.
I'll play tennis on Saturday


Ответ дал: tatyanadroba26


1 We will go climbing if sunny.

2 I'll pay for lunch if not costly.

3 Our holiday will be fun if weather good.

4 You won't become a great footballer if you skip daily practice.

5 We'll be there at three o'clock unless the train is delayed.

6 I'll play tennis on Saturday if I'm healthier.

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