9 Writing *** Write about your favourite cartoon character. 5.W3 Find a picture to decorate your paragraph. (name) is from... (name).... is (tall/short) with ... hair and ....​


Ответ дал: muratdulat79


My favorite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse. Mickey is from the Walt Disney universe and is an iconic character loved by people of all ages. He is short, with round ears, and has black fur with large white gloves. His cheerful personality and his adventures with his friends make him a beloved figure in the world of animation.

![Mickey Mouse](https://example.com/mickey_mouse_image.jpg)

Mickey Mouse's cheerful and optimistic nature has been a source of inspiration for generations, and his timeless appeal continues to bring joy to audiences around the world.

zhansaya2013tore: Уже оценила
zhansaya2013tore: На 5 звёзд
zhansaya2013tore: А нижнее надо обязательно писать?
zhansaya2013tore: Просто лень и спать хочется
muratdulat79: нет не обязательно,это просто дополнение
zhansaya2013tore: Окей
andrejgorbacev787: тут всё переписывать
andrejgorbacev787: ???
muratdulat79: закончить на world of animation.
andrejgorbacev787: ок
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